The different On Page SEO techniques .

SEO is a must to know your website and get a return on investment. This is obviously critical for an e-commerce project. The top 10 Google is very coveted and therefore very competitive. Without being an SEO professional, alone or accompanied by your web agency, you can implement some common sense SEO techniques.
Relevant content and a consistent site structure promotes good SEO
A good SEO goes first and foremost by a tree consistent with your business and highlighting what you want to "sell". The user must have an intuitive navigation that allows developing textual content (categories, subcategories ). If the content of your site is rich, attractive, well organized and regularly updated, you will give satisfaction to your users while having already done most of the work of SEO. Google's bots are also looking for relevant content. They therefore often have the same tastes as Internet users. Fortunately!.
The strategy of referencing your site by keyword
We define with you a set of keywords (or key-phrases) corresponding to the activity of the company. They are useful for highlighting your website in different search engines. We then check that these keywords are present and used in the pages of your site. Each keyword must correspond to a page of your site, particularly optimized for this keyword. This optimization strategy is the most relevant with regard to the new rules for referencing the site's internet engaged by the search engines, unlike that which would consist of putting a maximum of keywords in a page (each keyword would be diluted).
After an analysis taking into account, for example, the time spent or the number of visits according to the searched keyword, we evaluate the reactivity of these keywords in the search engines, by permanently improving their performance.
Increase the number of links pointing to your site (popularity of the site)
Google considers that the fact that a site is cited (a link to your site) by other site is a guarantee of quality. What is called in good French a "backlink" is a link of this type. A certain number of criteria are taken into account here, delicate enough to handle to avoid doing stupid things:
These sites must be the most popular ones themselves (often cited)
They should preferably be related to your activity,
The text (or page) that quotes you should, at best, be related to the linked page,
The page that cites your site must have inbound links and the least possible outgoing links (links to other pages), etc.
Be careful, do not exaggerate (too many links in a too-short time, pages full of links, etc.) because Google would consider that it is spam, and penalize you.
These criteria are not required, but they give value to the links that quote you. When you can, thanks to your own professional network or your notoriety offline, being quoted by a reference site in your business has a lot of weight. So play your relationships (suppliers, partners, customers ). These links are valuable, and you can get them for yourself without the risk of making mistakes at the technical level. If in doubt, or to return the favor by linking your website to your partner, call your agency!
There are online directories of websites, more or less related to your business, some free and others paid. The goal? increase the number of existing links to your site. Your address is inserted in several directories to categories specific to your sector. These links are of course of less weight (many outgoing links, little contextualization ), but they are useful anyway. It is typically a service of your web agency.
The referencing of satellite pages, to be used as a last resort and with professionalism
Warning: This method is to be handled with care and ethics!
Sometimes, you do not have on your site optimization pages for certain keywords (very the graphic site, a subject not allowing long speeches, limits specific to the structure of the site, etc.). The only solution is to create "smart pages" or satellite pages: these are pages specially optimized on certain expressions, and which are not primarily intended for users but search engines. They are usually created by your web agency or SEO agency, apart from the primary content of the site, and optimized using all the relevant techniques.
However, this technique can be likened to cheating if it is poorly managed, and lead to a penalty (or banishment) by the search engine. Always assume that the page must be accessible and useful to the user. The site must have links to these pages. They can be placed in the footer for example (and not in the normal navigation menu), hidden links would be penalized.
We must not have duplicate content (hated by Google), and out of the question for example to hope for better SEO by placing the same page on different domains.
It must also be kept in mind that this page is made to be well referenced, so found and therefore consulted. In other words, it must showcase your business in the same way as the other pages of your site. Many unscrupulous SEOs and put online pages "super optimized", but without graphics or layout. Disastrous effect with your internet users' hard conquered!
Another the real problem is to maintain these pages, synchronized with the rest of the site, and avoid dead links, obsolete design in case of a graphic redesign, etc.
Choosing a good domain name:
The choice of the domain name is essential and highly valued by Google. This is an additional opportunity to place your favorite keywords! Be careful not to create an extension domain name. Be simple and clever, separating or not by dashes .
Adding a blog:
Creating a blog in relation to your business can give you an advantage. Attention this requires to feed it fairly regularly and correctly with for example links to your products or to the sections of your site. The blog must also be interesting and popular on the web, otherwise, the links you make to your site will be poorly weighted. It's also an opportunity to communicate in a less formal and formal way than on your company website, for example by inviting your entire team to publish articles.
If you can not produce enough content, you can get help from a web editor. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have a need in this way.
Social networks :
It is now normal to see a website with Facebook and Twitter logos. This is a good way to give a more human side to your site and retain your users. In addition, you once again maximize the number of links to your site.
Here we go out a little of the field of SEO itself, to address the broader topic of web marketing.
Here are a few pointers thanks to these SEO good practices of the websites that our customers implement with our help. There are of course many other techniques that can improve SEO and that we are able to set up. However, keep in mind that the first thing to consider is to use common sense in providing relevant content that is easy to read and regularly updated.